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[Термин] IPD - Integrated Product Development(Прочитано 13873 раз)
В Интернете нашел незамысловатый перевод - «Интегрированное Развитие Продукта». Нет ли другого русского термина для IPD в контексте ООА/П? Есть еще "Комплексная разработка и производство изделий", но это не очень хорошо рядом с Model Driven Architecture (MDA). Кстати, перевод "Модельно-управляемая архитектура" будет хорошо для MDA? Или как?

Re: [Термин] IPD - Integrated Product Development Ответ #1 : 26 Июня 2008, 20:22:20
Integrated Product Development (IPD) is based on the integrated design of products and manufacturing and support processes. It is not a matter of assessing the producibility, testability, supportability and quality of the product after it has been designed nor of focusing on related data item deliverables nor of extensive testing to improve quality or reliability. These approaches extend design cycle time, increase product development cost, and may not result in the most optimum way to produce and support the product. Instead, all of the competitive factors or "ilities" must be considered from the very start of product development and designed into the product. The design of the product and the process must be integrated to assure a more optimum approach to manufacture and support the product.

The essential principles of integrated product development can be summarized as follows.

    * Understand your customer and their requirements
    * Integrate R&D, product development, and process investments with an overall business strategy;
    * Use Product Development Teams to facilitate early involvement and parallel design
    * Design products and manufacturing and support processes in parallel
    * Involve suppliers early in the development process
    * Use digital product models to capture and maintain a more complete and consistent representation of the design
    * Integrate CAE, CAD and CAM tools to improve effectiveness and reduce design cycle time
    * Simulate product performance and manufacturing processes electronically to reduce costly design/build/test iterations
    * Use quality engineering and reliability techniques to develop a more robust product and process design
    * Create an efficient and streamlined development approach to reduce cost and design cycle time
    * Improve the design process continuously

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